# Title Lead researcher / PI Work Package(s)
#96 Association between “frailty” and outcome in TBI patients. Giuseppe Citerio -
#97 Respiratory derangements after TBI Giuseppe Citerio -
#12 A Pictorial Review of Radiologic Common Data Elements in Traumatic Brain Injury Thijs Vande Vyvere WP04
#571 A comparative assessment of 6-month cognitive function following CT negative mild traumatic brain injury dependent on emergency room disposition (discharged, admitted to hospital, admitted to ICU). A CENTER-TBI study. Daniel Whitehouse -
#332 A daily temperature rhythm in the injured brain predicts patient survival Dr Nina Rzechorzek -
#85 A methodological exploration of imputation in prediction of traumatic brain injury mortality. Benjamin Gravesteijn WP02
#63 A new traumatic axonal injury classification scheme based on clinical and improved MR imaging biomarkers David Menon -
#505 A nomogram for predicting the possibility of tracheostomy in patients with traumatic brain injury: a CENTER-TBI study Yanfei Shen -
#194 A predictor model for mortality based on crosstalks between intracranial pressure and heart rate, clinical and demographics information in traumatic brain injured patients Giovanna Maria Dimitri WP06
#514 AUTOMATIC: Analysis of the relationship between the AUTOnoMic nervous system and cerebral AutoregulaTIon using maChine learning approach Agnieszka Uryga -
#449 Accuracy of manual intracranial pressure recording compared to a computerized high-resolution system: a CENTER-TBI analysis Tommaso Zoerle -
#263 Acute kidney injury in traumatic brain-injured patients: results from the CENTER TBI study Giuseppe Citerio -
#306 Admission Markers of Extra-Cranial Injury are not Associated with Impaired Cerebrovascular Reactivity in Adult TBI: A CENTER-TBI Study Frederick Zeiler WP06
#631 Advanced Data Analytics and Machine Learning for Personalized Care in Traumatic Brain Injury Management Geert Meyfroidt -
#168 Advantages of high-resolution ICP monitoring in traumatic brain injury patients Tommaso Zoerle -
#540 Age-Stratified Treatment Variations In Intracranial Surgical Interventions For Traumatic Brain Injury: A Descriptive, Prospective Observational Study Within CENTER-TBI Rick Vreeburg -
#646 Age-stratified treatment variations in acute intracranial surgery for traumatic brain injury in Europe: a prospective observational study within CENTER-TBI Rick Vreeburg -
#465 An international collaboration to improve the precision of the Glasgow Outcome Scale Extended (GOSE) Lindsay Nelson -
#98 An observational study to assess the feasibility of implementing a ROTEM®-guided coagulation management algorithm for patients with severe TBI and suspected hemorrhage Helge Güting WP16
#630 Analysis of Risk Factors for Spinal Injuries in Patients with Traumatic Brain Injury and Potential Risk Factors for Unfavorable Outcomes in TBI Patients Concomitant Isolated Spinal Injuries Zongwei Huang -
#445 Analysis of intracranial pressure pulse waveform in traumatic brain injury patients: results from the CENTER-TBI study Magdalena Kasprowicz WP06
#159 Anastasia Gorbunova Anastasia Gorbunova WP10, WP11
#470 Anisotropy BIOmarkers in Traumatic Brain Injury (ABIO-TBI) Sotirios Bisdas -
#309 Anticoagulant therapy in the CENTER-TBI study population: Prevalence and impact on outcome parameters Alexander Younsi WP09
#524 Association Between Early External Ventricular Drain Insertion And Functional Outcomes Six-months Following Moderate-to-Severe Traumatic Brain Injury Jonathon Taylor -
#311 Association Between Physiologic Signal Complexity and Outcomes in Moderate and Severe Traumatic Brain Injury: A CENTER-TBI Exploratory Analysis of Multiscale Entropy Frederick Zeiler WP06
#226 Association between Cerebrovascular Reactivity Monitoring and Mortality is preserved when adjusting for baseline admission characteristics in Adult TBI: A CENTER-TBI Study Frederick Zeiler WP06
#270 Association between alcohol use and TBI outcome. Indra Willers WP10, WP11, WP12
#373 Association between biomarkers and psychological outcomes in individuals after TBI Thomas Asendorf WP05, WP10
#326 Association of Fluid Balance with Adverse Outcome in Critically Ill Traumatic Brain Injury Patients Eveline Wiegers WP13
#455 Association of acute serum protein biomarkers with axonal injury in critically ill traumatic brain injury patients: a CENTER-TBI study Sophie Newcombe WP04, WP05
#534 Association of early blood-based biomarkers and six-month functional outcomes in conventional severity categories of traumatic brain injury: capturing the continuous spectrum of injury Lindsay Wilson -
#642 Association of lesion location, type and size with post traumatic seizures. Edoardo Viaroli WP08
#312 Associations between intracranial CT lesions and functional outcome in adolescents with mild traumatic injury Alexander Younsi -
#583 Automated Extraction of Head CT Features and the Establishment of Image-Based Outcome Prediction Models Huan-Chih Wang -
#200 Automatic detection of traumatic brain injuries from CT scans Subrahmanyam Gorthi -
#246 Bachelor Thesis: “Coagulation and microparticle profiles in patients with Traumatic Brain Injury” Victoria Ramach WP09
#181 Baseline prediction in traumatic brain injury using machine learning methods: no added benefit Benjamin Gravesteijn WP15
#590 Between center variance in cardiac output monitoring and effect on outcome in patients with traumatic brain injury Saliha Ergezen WP13
#43 Between-center and between-country differences in outcome after traumatic brain injury in the CENTER-TBI study Simone Dijkland WP13
#492 Biomarkers in identifying patients benefiting from acute subdural hematoma evacuation Jussi Posti -
#62 Biomarkers to Optimise Patient Pathways in mild Traumatic Brain Injury (BiOPPtic - mTBI) David Menon -
#600 Biomechanics of Brain Haemorrhage Xiancheng Yu -
#577 Blood-based biomarkers of brain damage in Traumatic Brain Injury: Are They Suitable Surrogate Endpoints for Autoregulatory-guided Therapy? Teodor Svedung Wettervik -
#617 Blood-based inflammatory mediators and development of axonal pathology in mild traumatic brain injury Jussi Posti -
#231 Blood-based metabolomics to predict severity and patient outcomes in traumatic brain injury (meTBI) Matej Oresic -
#269 Brain Tissue Oxygen and Cerebrovascular Reactivity in Traumatic Brain Injury: A CENTER-TBI Exploratory Analysis of Insult Burden Frederick Zeiler WP06
#359 Brain compliance monitoring by means of intracranial pressure pulse waveform analysis in traumatic brain injury Magdalena Kasprowicz WP06
#207 Brain injury biomarkers predict CT pathology, MRI positivity and functional outcome. András Büki WP05
#316 Brain temperature influences intracranial pressure and cerebral perfusion pressure after traumatic brain injury: a CENTER TBI study Tatiana Birg -
#349 Brain template and atlas construction for the investigation of traumatic brain injury Alan Wang -
#139 Can deep neural networks help us predict postive CT in TBI? Development of a novel TBI CT guideline. Jagos Golubovic -
#314 Care transitions and clinical pathways following traumatic brain injury: Lessons from the CENTER-TBI study Ida M. Henriksen Borgen WP14
#371 Causality versus Association of Intracranial Pressure towards Outcome in Severe Traumatic Brain Injury: A CENTER-TBI High-Resolution Study David Nelson -
#223 Center TBI: ICP monitoring in patients with traumatic brain injury Rana Kaplan WP06, WP13
#106 CenterTBI WP 15 : Prediction of recovery from coma and outcome LOUIS PUYBASSET WP08, WP15
#10 Central versus site assessment of acute CT characteristics in Traumatic Brain Injury Thijs Vande Vyvere WP04
#589 Cerebral perfusion pressure and outcome in patients with severe traumatic brain injury: a comparative effectiveness study Chiara Robba WP06, WP13
#188 Cerebrovascular Reactivity is not associated with Therapeutic Intensity in Adult Traumatic Brain Injury: A CENTER-TBI Analysis Frederick Zeiler WP06
#56 Characterisation of individual, temporal and pathophysiological heterogeneity David Menon WP08
#347 Characteristics and consequences of sports-related traumatic brain injury Lindsay Wilson -
#319 Characteristics, management and outcomes of patients with severe traumatic brain injury in Victoria, Australia compared to United Kingdom and Europe: a comparison between two harmonised prospective cohort studies Eveline Wiegers -
#61 Characterizing, refining and quantifying image phenotypes for correlation David Menon WP08
#494 Clinical and Imaging Characteristics, Care Pathways and Outcomes of Traumatic Epidural Hematomas: A CENTER-TBI Study Dana Pisica WP13
#261 Clinical characteristics and outcome of hospitalized patients with traumatic brain injury in China: a prospective cohort registry study Guoyi Gao WP22
#481 Clinical trajectory subphenotypes of severe traumatic brain injury: The importance of protein biomarkers and glucose variation - a CENTER-TBI study Cecilia Åkerlund WP12, WP20
#414 Clustering identifies endotypes of traumatic brain injury in an intensive care cohort - a CENTER-TBI study Cecilia Åkerlund WP20
#364 Cognition in mild traumatic brain injury Lindsay Wilson -
#427 Comparability of (post-concussion) symptoms across time in individuals after Traumatic Brain Injury: Results from the CENTER-TBI study Marina Zeldovich WP10
#6 Comparability of post-concussion symptoms across time Ruben GL Real WP10
#4 Comparability of post-concussion symptoms between X European countries [The paper aims to provide evidence for cross-country comparability of patients’ responses to the Rivermead Postconcussion Questionaire (RPQ) for as many countries as statistically feasible. Hence, the exact number of countries is still unknown.] Ruben GL Real WP10
#210 Comparative Effectiveness Research (CER) to determine the effect of DVT prophylaxis in TBI Jilske (Antonia) Huijben WP13
#382 Comparative Effectiveness of Beta Blocker Use in Traumatic Brain Injury: a CENTER-TBI study Eveline Wiegers WP13
#605 Comparative effectiveness of intracranial pressure monitoring in traumatic brain injury: A CENTER-TBI study (update of SPP #223) Inge van Erp WP13
#541 Comparative effectiveness of small versus large skull-adjusted decompressive craniectomy size regarding functional outcome, quality of life, complications and cranioplasty in traumatic brain injury; a prospective multicenter cohort study within CENTER-TBI Rick Vreeburg -
#100 Comparative effectiveness of surgery for traumatic acute subdural and intracerebral hematoma Thomas Van Essen WP13
#87 Comparative effectiveness research for fluid management in traumatic brain injury Eveline Wiegers WP13
#17 Comparative effectiveness research for intubation in traumatic brain injury patient Benjamin Gravesteijn WP02, WP13
#47 Comparative effectiveness research for transfers in traumatic brain injury Charlie Sewalt WP13
#46 Comparative effectiveness research in ventricular versus parenchymal intracranial pressure devices. Victor Volovici WP13
#297 Comparative effectiveness research within a Dutch Neurotraumatology Quality Registry (Dutch Net-QuRe). Majanka H. Heijenbrok-Kal -
#260 Comparative effectiveness research: intubation in traumatic brain injury Benjamin Gravesteijn WP13
#555 Comparative prognostic accuracy of the GCS-Pupils scale versus GCS together with pupils; a prospective observational validation study within CENTER-TBI and TRACK-TBI Rick Vreeburg -
#36 Comparative validation of indices of Cerebrovascular Reactivity in a Multi-Center Cohort Frederick Zeiler WP06
#282 Comparing QOLIBRI-OS norm scores between healthy individuals and individuals after TBI in Italy, the Netherlands and the United Kingdom Yi-Jhen Wu WP10
#376 Comparison of Effectiveness of Different Treatment Strategies in Traumatic Acute Subdural Hematoma: Acute Surgery versus Initial Conservative Treatment Thomas Van Essen WP02, WP13, WP16
#238 Comparison of care system and treatment approaches for patients with Traumatic Brain Injury in China versus Europe: a CENTER-TBI survey study Guoyi Gao WP02
#519 Comparison of context-based imputation for missing intracranial pressure signal Cyprian Mataczyński WP06
#149 Compensatory-Reserve-Weighted Intracranial Pressure Versus Intracranial Pressure for Outcome Association in Adult Traumatic Brain Injury: A CENTER-TBI Validation Study Frederick Zeiler WP06
#423 Computed tomography lesions and their association with long-term global outcome in young people with mild traumatic brain injury Alexander Younsi -
#299 Concomitant SCI in TBI patients of the CENTER-TBI study: Analysis of treatment strategies and associations with outcome Alexander Younsi -
#413 Concomitant spine trauma in patients with traumatic brain injury: patient characteristics and outcome Lennart Riemann -
#504 Continuing robust validation of miRNA biomarkers for the diagnosis and proposed prognosis of mTBI. Edmond Sorich WP05
#500 Contrasting characteristics and outcomes of sports and non-sports traumatic brain injury: the persisting consequences of head injury in sport Lindsay Wilson -
#483 Contribution of clinical course to outcome after traumatic brain injury: mining patient trajectories from European intensive care unit data Shubhayu Bhattacharyay WP06, WP12
#507 Correlation of sequential blood biomarker measurements with intracranial pressure and lesion burden in patients with traumatic brain injury Jussi Posti -
#506 Correlation of serum metabolomics and protein biomarkers of acute traumatic brain injury Jussi Posti -
#78 Curation of CENTER-TBI CANTAB outcomes and their relation to functional outcome. Lindsay Wilson WP01, WP02, WP03, WP10
#152 Current use and effectiveness of sedation in traumatic brain injury patients in Europe? Marco Carbonara WP06, WP13
#294 DTI prognostication value in TBI LOUIS PUYBASSET WP15
#317 Deciphering ICU treatment strategies in Traumatic Brain Injury by clustering Iris Ceyisakar WP02
#195 Decision-making at the end-of-life in TBI patients: a CENTER-TBI study Ernest van Veen WP13
#375 Decompressive craniectomy following traumatic brain injury; does international practice align with evidence? Dashiell Gantner -
#305 Decompressive craniectomy practice in UK, Europe and Australia Dashiell Gantner -
#363 Demystifying the Disability Paradox in Patients Following Traumatic Brain Injury Isabel Retel Helmrich WP10
#501 Derivation of Coagulation Phenotypes and the Association with Prognosis in Traumatic Brain Injury: A Cluster Analysis of CENTER-TBI Gaku Fujiwara -
#18 Deriving a value set for the QOLIBRI OS/GOSE in 3 countries Daphne Voormolen WP11
#295 Deriving disability weights for the Glasgow outcome scale extended from health-related quality of life data from traumatic brain injury patients: a mapping study Daphne Voormolen WP11
#108 Deriving disability weights for the Glasgow outcome scale extended: mapping functional outcome data to a preference-based instrument Daphne Voormolen WP11
#104 Description of epidemiology in CENTER-TBI Marek Majdan WP02, WP07, WP17
#91 Determining a clinically and statistically plausible method to obtain derived baseline Glasgow Coma Scale variables required for prognostic CENTER-TBI analyses Ewout Steyerberg WP12
#90 Developing a new, multidimensional classification for Traumatic Brain Injury. Benjamin Gravesteijn WP12
#398 Development and clinical study of a wearable brain imaging device to detect intracranial bleeding at the point of care David Menon -
#410 Development and external validation of a machine learning model for the early prediction of doses of harmful intracranial pressure in patients with severe traumatic brain injury Giorgia Carra -
#550 Development and external validation of multi-modal machine and deep learning models to predict hematoma Meghan Hutch -
#530 Development and validation of Prediction model of Patients with Severe Traumatic Brain Injury undergoing Decompressive Craniotomy: A Collaborative European NeuroTrauma Effectiveness Research in Traumatic Brain Injury (CENTER-TBI) Study Peng Bao WP15
#268 Development of Prognostic Models for Health-Related Quality of Life Following Traumatic Brain Injury Isabel Retel Helmrich WP12
#264 Development of Prognostic Models for Health-Related Quality of Life Following Traumatic Brain Injury Isabel Retel Helmrich WP12
#438 Development of a Machine learning model for prediction of intracranial hypertension based on intracranial pressure waveform analysis in traumatic brain injury patients Ruud van Kaam -
#526 Development of a Multimodal Machine Learning-Based Prognostication Model for Traumatic Brain Injury Using Clinical Data and Computed Tomography Scans: a CENTER-TBI and CINTER-TBI study Atsuhiro Hibi -
#490 Development of a Novel Clinical Decision Support System for Adult Trauma Patients after Traumatic Brain Injury Rachel Morris -
#409 Development of a Novel Clinical Decision Support System for Older Adult Trauma Patients after Traumatic Brain Injury Rachel Morris -
#138 Development of a derived six-month Glasgow Outcome Scale-Extended endpoint Lindsay Wilson -
#637 Development of a model to predict persistent post-concussive symptoms in mild TBI patients after 1 year Lily Akrapongpisak -
#162 Diagnostic properties of brain injury biomarkers to predict acute CT abnormalities András Büki WP05
#307 Differences between men and women in treatment and outcome following traumatic brain injury Ana Mikolic -
#40 Differences in management of mild traumatic brain injury at the emergency department and hospital admission in Europe: a CENTER-TBI study Kelly Foks WP13
#253 Diffuse Intra-Cranial Injury Patterns are Associated with Impaired Cerebrovascular Reactivity in Adult Traumatic Brain Injury: A CENTER-TBI Validation Study Frederick Zeiler WP06
#280 Disability Paradox in Patients with Traumatic Brain Injury Isabel Retel Helmrich WP12
#355 Discovery and Validation of Traumatic Brain Injury Subphenotypes in the ICU Stratum: Development and External Validation Robert Stevens WP06, WP07, WP08, WP09, WP10, WP11, WP12, WP13, WP14, WP15
#557 Disparities in casemix, acute interventions, discharge destinations and mortality of patients with traumatic brain injury between Europe and India Ranjit Singh -
#367 Do sociodemographic characteristics and care pathways explain outcome differences between men and women following mild traumatic brain injury? Ana Mikolic -
#626 Does traumatic brain injury lead to cervical spinal cord atrophy? Exploring a potential biomarker and its relationship to clinical outcome. Carl Trolle -
#339 Dynamic Prediction of Health-Related Quality of Life following Traumatic Brain Injury Isabel Retel Helmrich WP12
#88 Dynamic prediction of logistics and outcome for moderate to severe Traumatic Brain Injury patients Benjamin Gravesteijn WP12
#517 Early Extremity Fixation (≤ 24 h) versus Late Extremity fixation (> 24 h) after Traumatic Brain Injury: A CENTER-TBI Propensity-Matched Cohort Analysis Jiang Zheng -
#466 Early Versus Late External Ventricular Drainage After Traumatic Brain Injury: A Retrospective Cohort Study Jonathon Taylor -
#296 Early predictors of employment status one year post injury in individuals with traumatic brain injury in Europe Juan Carlos Arango-Lasprilla -
#535 Early systemic insults following traumatic brain injury: exploring biomarker profiles, therapeutic strategies to mitigate intracranial pressure in ICU and neurological outcomes. Analysis of CENTER-TBI data. Giuseppe Citerio WP06
#525 Early versus delayed cranioplasty after decompressive craniectomy in traumatic brain injury: A prospective, multicenter, observational study within CENTER-TBI and Net-QuRe Rick Vreeburg -
#154 Early vs late tracheostomy in traumatic brain injured patients: a secondary analysis from the CENTER-TBI study. Giuseppe Citerio -
#432 Effect of alcohol inebriation on diagnostic accuracy of blood-based biomarkers Jussi Posti -
#447 Effect of non-emergent extracranial surgery on neurocognitive recovery after traumatic brain injury Sarah Lombardo -
#124 Effects of psychosocial determinants on outcome after traumatic brain injury from a longitudinal perspective Ali Teymoori WP10
#26 Effects of weekend admissions on mortality, length of stay and functional outcome in patients with traumatic brain injury admitted to the ICU Raimund Helbok -
#221 End-of-life practices in traumatic brain injury patients: report of a questionnaire from the CENTER-TBI study Ernest van Veen WP02
#402 Endocannabinoid system changes following TBI Alex Dickens -
#202 Epidemiology and outcome of pediatric TBI in the CENTER-TBI study Alexander Younsi -
#426 Epidemiology of traumatic brain injury in India and Europe – recommendations to improve neurotrauma care chains around the world Deepak Gupta -
#92 Epidural hematomas: surgical guidelines revisited Victor Volovici WP13
#544 Estimating heterogeneous treatment effects in dynamic traumatic brain injury endotypes Riccardo Conci -
#146 Evaluation of an individualized Lower Limit of Autoregulation Erta Beqiri WP06
#451 Evaluation of intracranial hypertension in patients with traumatic brain injury based on CT radiomics Guoyi Gao -
#284 Evaluation of the Relationship between Slow-Waves of Intracranial Pressure, Mean Arterial Pressure and Brain Tissue Oxygen in TBI: A CENTER-TBI Exploratory Analysis Frederick Zeiler WP06
#545 Examining the Influence of Sex on Brain Morphology changes after Traumatic Brain Injury: A Shape-Based Approach Yidian Gao -
#70 Examining the cross-cultural generalizability of PCL-5 Instrument for Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder Haghish Ebad Fardzadeh WP10
#584 Expanded analyses of CENTER-TBI David Menon WP01, WP03, WP04, WP05, WP06, WP07, WP08, WP09, WP10, WP11, WP12, WP13, WP14, WP15, WP16, WP17, WP18
#594 Exploration of simultaneous transients between cerebral hemodynamics and the autonomic nervous system using Windowed Time-Lagged Cross-Correlation matrices: a CENTER-TBI study Agnieszka Uryga -
#624 Exploratory Study of a modified form of GFAP for Early Detection and Monitoring of Subclinical Evidence of Sequelae (sES) of Traumatic Brain Injury: A GRYPHON BIO and CENTER-TBI Study (An Extension of Proposal 443 with an Extension of the DUA from August 2023 Requested too) William Haskins -
#443 Exploratory Study of the First Demyelination Biomarker for Early Detection and Monitoring of Subclinical Evidence of Sequelae (sES) of Traumatic Brain Injury: A GRYPHON BIO and CENTER-TBI Study William Haskins WP08
#115 Exploring dMRI and susceptibility mapping in the setting of traumatic brain injury Maira Siqueira Pinto WP04
#634 Exploring measures of multimodality monitoring biosignal entropy and complexity for prognostication and secondary insult detection Stefan Yu Bögli WP06
#388 Extended coagulation profiling in isolated traumatic brain injury (iTBI): A CENTER-TBI analysis Julia Böhm WP09
#111 External Validation and Comparison Eveline Wiegers WP12
#377 External Validation of Deep Learning Model of Early MRI in Severe TBI David Okonkwo -
#616 External Validation of Machine Learning Models for Predicting Imminent ICP Insults in Neurocritical Care Using CENTER-TBI Data Per Enblad -
#586 External Validation of the Automated Surgical Intervention Support Tool for Traumatic Brain Injury (ASIST-TBI) Christopher Witiw -
#95 External Validity Fiona Lecky WP17
#42 External validation and update of the IMPACT and CRASH prognostic models in the CENTER-TBI study Simone Dijkland WP12
#244 External validation of prediction models for events of intracranial hypertension that are associated with poor outcome Geert Meyfroidt -
#527 External validation of the prediction model for individualized estimation of short-term mortality risk among patients with severe traumatic brain injury. Tianwei Wang -
#196 External ventricular drainage in severe traumatic brain injury Ari Ercole -
#598 Extracranial surgery in traumatic brain injury: a secondary analysis of the CENTER-TBI study Giuseppe Citerio -
#446 Extremity fracture fixation in patients within 24h or later after TBI, which is better? :a CENTER-TBI study Hong Fu -
#421 Factorial Validity and Cross-Linguistic Equivalence of the Posttraumatic Stress Disorder Checklist for DSM-5 in Six Civilian Samples after Traumatic Brain Injury Fabian Bockhop WP10
#255 Factorial structure and validity of depression (PHQ-9) and anxiety (GAD-7) scales after traumatic brain injury Ali Teymoori WP10
#556 Frequency and predictors of headache in the first 12 months after traumatic brain injury: results from CENTER-TBI Emilie Isager Howe WP14
#298 Frequency and trajectory of fatigue in the first six months after traumatic brain injury: Results from the CENTER-TBI study Nada & Cecilie Andelic & Røe -
#484 Frequency of headache and its changes in the first 12 months after traumatic brain injury: results from the CENTER‑TBI study Nada Andelic WP10, WP14
#105 Genetic Associations In Neurotrauma David Menon WP03
#35 Genetic Drivers of Impaired Cerebrovascular Reactivity in TBI (GWAS + candidate gene analysis) Frederick Zeiler WP03, WP06
#313 Global characterisation of coagulopathy in isolated traumatic brain injury (iTBI): A CENTER-TBI Analysis Julia Böhm WP09
#222 Global functional outcome in traumatic brain injury: Use in clinical trials, approaches to data collection, and role in multi-dimensional outcome assessment Lindsay Horton WP10
#528 Globally disrupted functional network connectivity in the ‘mildest’ traumatic brain injury Rebecca Woodrow WP08
#588 Glucose blood levels in traumatic brain injured patients: a secondary analysis from the CENTER-TBI study. Giuseppe Citerio -
#580 Guideline adherence in neurosurgical treatment of traumatic acute subdural and intracerebral hematoma, need for revision? Ranjit Singh WP01, WP02, WP04, WP07, WP08, WP13, WP22
#574 Haemoglobin values, transfusion practices, and long-term outcomes in critically ill patients with traumatic brain injury: A secondary analysis of CENTER- TBI Angelo Guglielmi -
#389 Health Disparities in Traumatic Brain Injury Populations Julia Fontana -
#401 Health care utilization and outcomes in older adults after Traumatic Brain Injury: a CENTER-TBI study Marjolein van der Vlegel WP02, WP11
#366 Health outcomes and health care use after traumatic brain injury in older adults Suzanne Polinder WP02, WP11
#185 Health-related quality of life after traumatic brain injury: Deriving a value set for the QOLIBRI-OS Daphne Voormolen WP11
#563 Hemoglobin levels, transfusion and impact on outcome after TBI Angelo Guglielmi -
#608 Hemorrhage Expansion MOdeling and decision Support Tools Addressing Tbi (HEMOSTAT) H.E. Hinson -
#144 High Therapy Intensity Levels in patients with Traumatic Brain Injury: who is treated and why? Jilske (Antonia) Huijben WP06, WP13
#440 High arterial oxygen levels and supplemental oxygen administration in traumatic brain injury. Results from CENTER-TBI and OzENTER-TBI. Giuseppe Citerio -
#21 High resolution feature extraction and information cross-talk Ari Ercole WP06
#136 How can deep neural networks improve traumatic brain injury treatment? Development of a novel outcome prediction model. Jagos Golubovic -
#240 How do 66 European Institutional Review Boards approve one protocol for an International Prospective Observational trial? Experiences from the CENTER-TBI study. Erwin Kompanje -
#134 How does time-dependent fluctuation in brain temperature vary with age, injury severity, and clinical outcome in patients with TBI? Dr Nina Rzechorzek -
#386 Hyperventilation in traumatic brain-injured patients: results from the CENTER-TBI study. Giuseppe Citerio -
#433 Identification of an isolated epidural hematoma using blood-based biomarkers Jussi Posti -
#482 Identifying treatment targets for concussion rehabilitation using network analysis Shuyuan Shi -
#610 Impact of Age and Mean Intracranial Pressure on the Morphology of Intracranial Pressure Waveform and Its Association with Mortality in Traumatic Brain Injury Magdalena Kasprowicz WP06
#132 Impact of Decompressive Craniectomy on Cerebral Autoregulation and Derived Parameters Frederick Zeiler WP06
#308 Impact of Low Versus Elevated Intracranial Pressure on Cerebral Physiology in Adult Traumatic Brain Injury: A CENTER-TBI Exploratory Analysis Frederick Zeiler WP06
#628 Impact of Sodium Disorders on Clinical Outcomes in ICU Patients with Traumatic Brain Injury: A Secondary Analysis of the CENTER-TBI Study Francesca Mulazzani -
#166 Impact of Therapeutic Intensity on Cerebral Autoregulation Frederick Zeiler WP06
#228 Impact of antithrombotic agents on radiological lesion progression in acute traumatic brain injury: A CENTER-TBI propensity-matched cohort analysis Francois Mathieu WP08
#49 Impact of extracranial injury on outcomes in TBI patients Charlie Sewalt WP12
#23 Impact of intracranial pressure and time burden on outcome in CENTER-TBI Ari Ercole WP06, WP20
#475 Impact of sociodemographic, premorbid, and injury-related factors on patient-reported outcome trajectories after traumatic brain injury (TBI) Marina Zeldovich WP10
#183 Impact of tracheal suctioning on cerebral hemodynamics and its relation with cerebral compliance Marco Carbonara WP06
#201 Implementation of Prognostic Models for Patients with Traumatic Brain Injury in Practice Isabel Retel Helmrich WP12
#89 Improving outcome prediction for Traumatic brain injury patients with machine learning Benjamin Gravesteijn WP12
#54 In-hospital treatment costs in patients with TBI Jeroen van Dijck -
#55 In-hospital treatment costs in traumatic brain injury: a Dutch multi-centre cost-effectiveness analysis. Jeroen van Dijck -
#220 Incidence, risk factors, and effects on outcome of ventilator-associated pneumonia in patients with traumatic brain injury: a CENTER TBI study Giuseppe Citerio -
#153 Incidence, risk factors, and effects on outcome of Ventilator-Associated Pneumonia in patients with Traumatic Brain Injury: a substudy analysis of the CENTER TBI study Giuseppe Citerio -
#496 Influence of Sociodemographic, Premorbid, and Injury-Related Factors on Post-traumatic Stress, Anxiety, and Depression after Traumatic Brain Injury Fabian Bockhop WP10
#182 Influence of educational level alcohol intake habits on long term outcome in mild TBI Petar Vulekovic -
#303 Influence of sociodemographic, premorbid, and injury-related factors on post-concussion symptoms after traumatic brain injury Marina Zeldovich WP10
#241 Informed Consent Procedures in acutely mentally incapacitated patients: policy and practice in the CENTER-TBI study Erwin Kompanje -
#225 Injury mechanisms and severity in pediatric traumatic brain injury patients admitted to the ward or intensive care unit: A Collaborative European Neurotrauma Effectiveness Research in Traumatic Brain Injury (CENTER-TBI) study Alexander Younsi -
#620 Integrating Explainable AI in Trajectory Modeling of Serum Biomarker Profiles to Enhance Management of Patients with Severe to Mild Traumatic Brain Injury Kevin Wang -
#19 Intensive care management in Traumatic Brain Injury: an overview of 72 neurotrauma centers participating in the Collaborative European NeuroTrauma Effectiveness Research in Traumatic Brain Injury (CENTER-TBI) study. Jilske (Antonia) Huijben WP06, WP13
#94 Internal Validity Fiona Lecky WP17
#602 Interventions and Annotations in the CENTER-TBI high resolution data Raimund Helbok WP02, WP06, WP12, WP13
#34 Intra-Cranial and Extra-Cranial Drivers of Impaired Cerebrovascular Reactivity – A Validation Study Frederick Zeiler WP06
#425 Intracranial Pressure Pulse Morphology-based Definition of Life-threatening Intracranial Hypertension Episodes Magdalena Kasprowicz WP06
#554 Intracranial pressure hyperaemic waves in TBI patients Guido Di Tommaso -
#460 Intramural healthcare consumption and costs after traumatic brain injury: a CENTER-TBI study Rana Kaplan WP02
#344 Introducing brain-heart crosstalks information in clinical decision support systems, for TBI patients through ICM+ Giovanna Maria Dimitri WP06
#184 Intubation practice in traumatic brain injury in Europe: a prospective cohort study Benjamin Gravesteijn WP02, WP13
#532 Investigating the role of genetic variation in prognosis of TBI outcome. Elham Rostami WP03
#127 Investigation of attenuated total reflection Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy of patient serum for startification of head injured patients Paul Brennan -
#254 Is there a benefit in intensive care management of elderly patients with traumatic brain injury? Rahul Raj -
#157 Kidney failure after TBI (revised) Giuseppe Citerio -
#337 LESIONOMICS: Lesion-connectomics as a predictor of long-term outcome in TBI Jesus M Cortes -
#370 La crise du troisième jour in traumatic brain injury, fact or fiction? Ranjit Singh -
#318 Letter to the editor: Machine learning model to predict intracranial hypertension demonstrates robust performance on the CENTER-TBI dataset Giorgia Carra -
#310 Linguistic and Structural Validity of the Spanish version of Posttraumatic Stress Disorder Checklist (PCL-5) among individuals with Traumatic Brain Injury Haghish Ebad Fardzadeh WP10
#156 Liver function after TBI (new revsion of #141) Giuseppe Citerio -
#20 Longitudinal modelling and clustering for intensive care physiome discovery Ari Ercole WP06
#489 Longitudinal validity of the Quality of Life After Brain Injury: responsiveness and response shift Marina Zeldovich WP10
#251 Low-resolution pressure reactivity index and its derived optimal cerebral perfusion pressure in adult traumatic brain injury: a CENTER-TBI study Alexander Younsi WP06
#67 Machine learning models for incremental temporal physiome-sensitive ICU outcome prediction Ari Ercole WP06
#486 Management, treatments, and outcomes in paediatric patients with traumatic brain injury Giuseppe Citerio WP06
#199 Mannitol vs. hypertonic saline for intracranial hypertension in TBI: comparing effectiveness Ernest van Veen WP06
#204 Marital and employment stability trajectories’ one and two years post injury in individuals with TBI in Europe. Juan Carlos Arango-Lasprilla -
#219 Measurement invariance of assessments of depression (PHQ-9) and anxiety (GAD-7) across sex, strata and linguistic backgrounds in a European-wide sample of patients after Traumatic Brain Injury Ali Teymoori WP10
#415 Measurement invariance of the Rivermead Post-Concussion Symptoms Questionnaire: A comparison between six European language samples Marina Zeldovich WP10
#288 Metabolites in mild TBI – outcome prediction and association with disease biomarkers and CT Matej Oresic -
#287 Metabolome in Traumatic Brain Injury Matej Oresic -
#44 Mild TBI patients admitted to the ICU: a study on factors associated with ICU admission and the comparative effectiveness of ICU admission versus ward admission Benjamin Gravesteijn WP02, WP13
#66 Modelling transition of care following discharge from acute hospitalization for traumatic brain injury Nada & Cecilie Andelic & Røe WP14
#551 Monitoring and Early Prediction of Intracranial Pressure Crises Using Explainable Learning Paradigms Cyprian Mataczyński WP06
#612 Morphological analysis of intracranial pressure and arterial blood pressure pulse waveforms in traumatic brain injury patients Agnieszka Kazimierska -
#193 Mortality prediction in traumatic brain injury patients using modern modeling techniques Ji-yao Jiang WP22
#321 Multi-Cohort Updating of the IMPACT Prognostic Models in an Individual Patient Data – analysis Isabel Retel Helmrich WP12
#145 Multi-window weighted approach for a clinical application of the Optimal Cerebral Perfusion Pressure Erta Beqiri WP06
#22 Multidimensional longitudinal modelling of preclinical and early clinical factors for developing pathophysiological characterization of traumatic brain injury using machine learning methodologies David Nelson WP20
#607 Multivariate repeated measures analysis – Testing and post-hoc procedures under non-normality Ricarda Graf -
#515 Multivariate repeated measures analysis – Testing and post-hoc procedures under non-normality Ricarda Graf WP10
#57 Neuroanatomical and connectomic substrates of neurobehavioral outcomes David Menon WP08
#336 Neurocognitive correlates of posttraumatic stress disorder Dominique Van Praag WP10
#58 Neurological recovery/progression in TBI – subsets and imaging biomarkers David Menon WP08
#59 Neurological recovery/progression in TBI – subsets and imaging biomarkers David Menon WP08
#84 Neuropsychological assessment as predictor for PTSD following TBI Dominique Van Praag WP10
#37 New data processing and analysis pipelines for clinical imaging in TBI David Menon WP08
#585 Non-surgical intracranial lesions in older adults after TBI – is there a difference in outcome compared to younger patients? Jussi Posti -
#140 Nutrition and gastric protection after TBI Giuseppe Citerio -
#155 OLD AND FRAGILE. TBI in the elderly. Association between “frailty” and outcome in TBI patients. Giuseppe Citerio -
#365 Occurrence and timing of withdrawal of life-sustaining measures in traumatic brain injury patients: a CENTER-TBI study Ernest van Veen WP13
#552 One-year Employment Outcome Prediction after Traumatic Brain Injury: a CENTER-TBI Study Helena Van Deynse -
#480 Optimizing TBI Outcome Models by Adjusting for Withdraw of Life-sustaining Therapy Yelena Bodien -
#205 Outcome Prediction after Moderate and Severe Traumatic Brain Injury: External Validation of the IMPACT and CRASH Prognostic Models in the CENTER-TBI Study Simone Dijkland WP12
#542 Outcome Prediction for Traumatic Brain Injury using MAchine Learning (OPTIMAL) Helena Van Deynse -
#213 Outcome after complicated and uncomplicated mTBI Daphne Voormolen WP10
#25 Outcome prediction using SIRS-burden and qSOFA in patients with traumatic brain injury admitted to the ICU Raimund Helbok WP12
#60 Outcome prognostication David Menon WP08
#302 Outcomes following patients after complicated and uncomplicated mild traumatic brain injury at three and six months post-injury: Results from the CENTER-TBI study Daphne Voormolen WP10
#137 Outcomes from the CANTAB cognitive battery: Defining an endophenotype for imaging and genetic association analyses Lindsay Wilson WP03, WP08
#511 PRIME-TBI: PRecision IMaging Evaluation of mild TBI Ragini Verma -
#546 Paradoxical associations of biomarkers with functional and patient reported outcomes in mild traumatic brain injury (mTBI) with no acute findings on CT imaging, a CENTER-TBI analysis. Daniel Whitehouse WP05, WP10
#604 Parsimonious immune-response endotypes and global outcome in patients with traumatic brain injury Romit Samanta WP05, WP12, WP13, WP20
#150 Patient-Specific ICP Thresholds in Adult Traumatic Brain Injury: A CENTER-TBI Univariate Validation Study Frederick Zeiler WP06
#638 Pediatric traumatic brain injury: clinical presentation, treatment approaches, management strategies, and outcomes. Insights from the CENTER-TBI study Giuseppe Citerio WP06
#436 Performance of a prediction model for harmful doses of intracranial pressure on minute-by-minute monitoring data: a step towards clinical implementation. Geert Meyfroidt -
#469 Performance of biomarkers under the framework of the Scandinavian Traumatic Brain Injury Guidelines – a targeted analysis of the CENTER TBI database András Büki WP05
#283 Population-based norms and measurement invariance of the QOLIBRI in the United Kingdom and the Netherlands Anastasia Gorbunova WP10, WP11
#128 Post -concussion symptoms after TBI: a longitudinal perspective Anne Marie Plass WP10
#416 Post Intensive Care Syndrome (PICS) in TBI patients Alexander Younsi -
#79 Post-acute transition of care Philippe Azouvi WP14
#65 Post-acute transitions of care, Center-TBI, WP 14 Peter Ylén WP14
#232 Post-concussive symptoms in children and adolescents with traumatic brain injury Alexander Younsi -
#464 Potential impact of pre-injury antiplatelet/anticoagulant medication on the diagnostic and prognostic capabilities of traumatic brain injury-associated serum protein biomarkers András Büki WP05, WP09
#538 Potential utility of day of injury serum biomarkers to select patients for CT after traumatic brain injury in the UK emergency department (ED). Daniel Whitehouse -
#133 Practice variation in admission and discharge management of mild traumatic brain injury at the emergency department in Europe: a CENTER-TBI study Kelly Foks WP13
#512 Precision Medicine Approach to Mild Traumatic Brain Injury Jussi Posti -
#424 Predicting GOSE at 6 months from prehospital data using a neural network Oliver Bichsel -
#575 Predicting Outcome in Traumatic Brain Injury: External Validation, Updating and Extension of Admission CT Classification Systems in CENTER-TBI Dana Pisica -
#559 Predicting recovery in patients with mild traumatic brain injury and a normal CT using serum biomarkers and diffusion tensor imaging Sophie Newcombe WP04
#112 Prediction of Health-Related Quality of Life following Traumatic Brain Injury Isabel Retel Helmrich WP12
#354 Prediction of Moderate and Severe TBI Outcome with High-Dimensional ICU Data and Imaging Features: Development and External Validation Robert Stevens WP01, WP04, WP06, WP08, WP12, WP13, WP15
#300 Prediction of contusion progression following traumatic brain injury: external validation and updating of existing prediction models in the CENTER-TBI study Dana Pisica WP08
#81 Prediction of depression and posttraumatic stress disorder following traumatic brain injury Ana Mikolic WP12
#281 Prediction of global functional outcome and post-concussive symptoms following mild traumatic brain injury: external validation of prognostic models in the CENTER-TBI study Ana Mikolic WP12
#117 Prediction of outcome following mild TBI (revision) Ana Mikolic WP12
#394 Predictors of Low-risk Phenotypes after Traumatic Brain Injury Incorporating Proteomic Biomarker Signatures (PROTIPS) H.E. Hinson -
#267 Predictors of access to rehabilitation in the year following traumatic brain injury: data from the CENTER-TBI study Philippe Azouvi WP14
#293 Prehospital management of Traumatic Brain Injury across Europe: a CENTER-TBI study Fiona Lecky -
#285 Prevalence and prediction of persistent post-concussive symptoms in children and adolescents with mild traumatic brain injury: a CENTER-TBI study Alexander Younsi -
#488 Prevalence and risk factors for post traumatic Seizures in Center-TBI population Peter J.A. Hutchinson WP12
#543 Prevalence of and factors associated with 12-month absence from work in people with mild traumatic brain injury Philippe Azouvi -
#180 Prevalence rates and trajectories of fatigue following TBI Nada & Cecilie Andelic & Røe WP10, WP11, WP14
#86 Prior beta-blocker use and impact on outcome on TBI Eveline Wiegers WP13
#579 Prognostic models for depression and posttraumatic stress disorder symptoms following traumatic brain injury: a CENTER-TBI study Ana Mikolic WP12
#547 Prognostic performance of biomarkers under the framework of the Scandinavian and French Traumatic Brain Injury Guidelines – a targeted analysis of the CENTER TBI database András Büki WP05
#197 Prognostication by individual surgical motivation for decisionmaking in TBI Mark Dijkman WP13
#243 Progression of Brain contusion Michael Wald -
#369 Psychometric characteristics of the patient-reported outcome instruments applied in the CENTER-TBI study Marina Zeldovich WP10
#273 Psychometric validation of the French version of the Rivermead Post-Concussion Symptoms Questionnaire (RPQ) after Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) Anne Marie Plass WP10
#129 Psychometric validation of the Spanish version of the Rivermead Post-Concussion Symptoms Questionnaire (RPQ) after Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) Anne Marie Plass WP10
#372 QQuestionnaires versus interviews for the assessment of global functional outcome after traumatic brain injury Lindsay Wilson WP10
#250 Quality indicators for patients with Traumatic Brain Injury in European Intensive Care Units: a CENTER-TBI study Jilske (Antonia) Huijben WP06
#384 REBRAIN (Return to work after BRAin INjury) Helena Van Deynse -
#381 Ragini Verma Ragini Verma -
#419 Reference Values of the QOLIBRI (Quality of Life after BRain Injury) from general population sample in Italy Ugne Krenz WP10, WP11
#458 Reference Values of the Quality of Life after Brain Injury (QOLIBRI) from a General Population Sample in Italy Ugne Krenz WP10, WP11
#407 Reference values for the Rivermead Post-Concussion Symptoms Questionnaire (RPQ) from general population samples in the UK, Italy, and the Netherlands Marina Zeldovich WP10, WP11
#439 Reference values for the Rivermead Post-Concussion Symptoms Questionnaire (RPQ) from general population samples in the United Kingdom, Italy, and the Netherlands Marina Zeldovich WP10
#448 Rehabilitation and outcomes after complicated vs uncomplicated mild TBI: Results from the CENTER-TBI study Nada & Cecilie Andelic & Røe WP10, WP14
#191 Rehabilitation needs following TBI across Europe Nada & Cecilie Andelic & Røe WP14
#242 Relationship Between PbtO2 and Cerebrovascular Reactivity: Exploratory Analysis Frederick Zeiler WP06
#229 Relationship between measures of cerebrovascular reactivity and intracranial lesion progression in acute TBI patients: a CENTER-TBI study Francois Mathieu WP08
#529 Relationship between the shape of intracranial pressure pulse waveform and computed tomography characteristics in patients after traumatic brain injury Agnieszka Kazimierska WP06
#385 Relationship of admission blood proteomic biomarkers levels to lesion type and lesion burden in traumatic brain injury: a CENTER-TBI study Daniel Whitehouse WP05, WP08
#3 Relative influence of injury severity and sociodemographic factors in the prediction of post-concussion symptoms Ruben GL Real WP10
#537 Repeat traumatic brain injury exacerbates acute thalamic hyperconnectivity: a human functional neuroimaging study Rebecca Woodrow WP08
#8 Responsiveness and response shift of the QOLIBRI and QOLIBRI-OS. Anastasia Gorbunova WP10
#561 Risk factors for extubation failure in patients with severe traumatic brain injury Dawei Zhou -
#596 Risk factors for neuroworsening in mild/ moderate TBI patients: proposal for a new score Chiara Robba -
#581 SOPRANI Bart Depreitere -
#75 STIR1 Agreement between approaches for rating the GOSE in CENTER-TBI Lindsay Horton WP10
#76 STIR2 The GOSE as a clinician-reported or patient-reported outcome Lindsay Horton WP10
#77 STIR3 Relation of GOSE level of disability to data quality and validity of outcomes in adult TBI Lindsay Horton WP10
#277 Sensitivity and responsiveness of outcomes after TBI (GOSE, SF-12, SF-36, QOLIBRI/QOLIBRI-OS, PHQ, PCL, GADS, RPQ) Nicole von Steinbüchel WP10
#418 Sensitivity of outcome instruments in individuals after traumatic brain injury: results from the CENTER-TBI study Marina Zeldovich WP10
#560 Serum biomarkers as adjuncts to NICE head injury guidelines (NG232, 2023) when selecting traumatic brain injury patients for CT: a CENTER-TBI study. Daniel Whitehouse -
#428 Serum biomarkers compared to clinical decision rules for selecting patients with mild traumatic brain injury for CT scanning: A CENTER-TBI study Ana Mikolic -
#499 Serum lipidome associates with neuroimaging features in patients with traumatic brain injury Matej Oresic -
#52 Sex differences in traumatic brain injury and the underlying role of gender-related factors and treatment differences Ana Mikolic -
#473 Sodium after traumatic brain injury: insights from CENTER-TBI study Giuseppe Citerio -
#212 Statistical Cerebrovascular Reactivity Signal Properties after Secondary Decompressive Craniectomy after TBI: A CENTER-TBI Pilot Analysis Frederick Zeiler WP06
#74 Symptoms of Posttraumatic Stress Disorder, Depression, and General Anxiety Disorder During the First Year After Traumatic Brain Injury Haghish Ebad Fardzadeh WP10
#15 TAI-MRI – A new traumatic axonal injury classification scheme based on clinical and improved MR imaging biomarkers - WP 2 – Computer aided diagnosis (CAD) of lesion detection and quantification Rashindra Manniesing -
#456 TBI Outcome Study: Comparing Outcomes of Patients from a Trauma Center in The Developing World and the CENTER-TBI Database Rashid Jooma -
#357 TBI in octo- and nonagenarians – demographics, treatment characteristics and outcome Alexander Younsi -
#148 TBI intracranial pressure assesment based on computed tomography texture analysis Jagos Golubovic -
#289 TBI metabotype – link to brain structural changes Matej Oresic -
#582 TILTomorrow today: dynamic factors predicting changes in intracranial pressure treatment intensity after traumatic brain injury Shubhayu Bhattacharyay WP06, WP13
#405 Tailoring multidimensional outcomes to the level of functional recovery after traumatic brain injury Lindsay Wilson WP10
#457 Thalamic connectivity as an acute marker of chronic postconcussive symptoms after mild TBI: prognostic and treatment implications Rebecca Woodrow WP08
#304 The Effect of Cognitive Reserve on Outcome after Traumatic Brain Injury Jonas Stenberg -
#629 The Impact of Serum Biomarkers and Routine Blood Parameters on the Prognosis of TBI Patients Alexander Younsi -
#476 The Lower Limit of Reactivity as a potential individualised Cerebral Perfusion Pressure target in Traumatic Brain Injury: a CENTER-TBI High-Resolution Sub-Study Analysis Erta Beqiri WP06
#521 The Therapy Intensity Level scale for traumatic brain injury: clinimetric assessment on neuro-monitored patients across 52 European intensive care units Shubhayu Bhattacharyay WP06, WP13
#33 The Value of Monitoring Cerebrovascular Reactivity in TBI – Outcome Prediction in Addition to the IMPACT Variables Frederick Zeiler WP06
#379 The association of post-concussion and post-traumatic stress disorder symptoms with health-related quality of life, health care use and return-to-work after mild traumatic brain injury Marjolein van der Vlegel WP02, WP11
#356 The association of post-concussion and posttraumatic stress disorder symptoms on health-related quality of life, health care use and return-to-work Suzanne Polinder WP11
#27 The brain heart interaction: The relationship between variability of physiological parameters(heart rate, blood pressure) with treatment intensity and neuromonitoring Raimund Helbok WP20
#163 The challenges of biomarker studies in a large-scale multicenter study on TBI András Büki WP05
#378 The circulating metabolome associates with severity of traumatic brain injury, computed tomography findings, and patient outcomes Matej Oresic -
#325 The costs of traumatic brain injury: a CENTER-TBI study Rana Kaplan WP02
#603 The dynamic evolution in Intensive Care Unit (ICU) of traumatic brain injury patients in the prediction of early and long-term outcomes: a secondary analysis from the CENTER-TBI study Giuseppe Citerio -
#147 The effect of body temperature on brain physiology and outcome in severe traumatic brain injury patients Raimund Helbok -
#397 The effect of helmet use in bicycle-related traumatic brain injury across Europe: the Dutch Helmet Initiative Hugo den Boogert -
#158 The effect of multimodal neuromonitoring probe location on data interpretation and outcome in severe TBI patients Raimund Helbok -
#274 The effect of temperature increases on brain tissue oxygen tension in patients with traumatic brain injury – a CENTER-TBI substudy Raimund Helbok -
#99 The impact of Obesity on Traumatic Brain Injury Consequences and Outcomes Stefania Mondello -
#383 The impact of Traumatic Brain Injury in the Elderly Bart Depreitere -
#351 The impact of neurocognitive functioning on the course of posttraumatic stress symptoms following traumatic brain injury Dominique Van Praag WP10
#408 The influence of rehabilitation services on global functioning, symptom burden and health-related quality of life 6 months after mild TBI Nada & Cecilie Andelic & Røe WP10, WP14
#430 The leap to ordinal: functional prognosis after traumatic brain injury using artificial intelligence Shubhayu Bhattacharyay WP06, WP12
#114 The long pressure reactivity index revisited in traumatic brain injury patients: a CENTER-TBI study Alexander Younsi -
#189 The neurosurgical why: exploring the why-questions in neurosurgical decision making in moderate to severe TBI patients Hugo den Boogert -
#190 The neurosurgical why: improving neurosurgical decision making through advanced image analysis Hugo den Boogert -
#468 The predictive value of Abbreviated Injury Score (AIS) as a classification of TBI vs. the Glasgow Coma Scale (GCS): A Study based on CENTER-TBI. András Büki -
#122 The psychometric validation of the Dutch version of the Rivermead Post-Concussion Symptoms Questionnaire (RPQ) after Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) Anne Marie Plass WP10
#224 The role of age in treatment differences for traumatic brain injury Ernest van Veen WP06, WP13
#435 The shape of intracranial pressure pulse waveform in traumatic brain injury: a CENTER-TBI study Magdalena Kasprowicz WP06
#491 The therapy intensity level (TIL) scale: multicentre validation as marker of intracranial pressure management and as intermediate outcome for individualised treatment adjustment Ari Ercole WP06, WP13
#508 The use of hyperosmolar solutions in mild and moderate traumatic brain injury: exploratory data analysis from the CENTER-TBI study Nicolò Marchesini -
#167 The use of informed consent in TBI research. Jeroen van Dijck WP02
#120 Thromboelastometric Guided Hemostatic Management of Traumatic Brain Injury - a Collaborative European NeuroTrauma Research in Traumatic Brain Injury (CENTER-TBI)-embedded pilot study. (Study plan 98) Marc Maegele WP16
#69 Time course of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PCL-5) after TBI and risk factors Katrin Cunitz WP10
#450 To identify homogenous sub phenotypes in critically ill patients with TBI: a latent class analysis Jilske (Antonia) Huijben WP12
#215 Towards a new, multidimensional classification of traumatic brain injury patients: an exploratory data-driven clustering analysis in CENTER-TBI Benjamin Gravesteijn WP12
#478 Towards autoregulation-oriented management after Traumatic Brain Injury: increasing the reliability and stability of the CPPopt algorithm. Erta Beqiri WP06
#234 Tracheostomy practice and timing in traumatic brain injured patients: a CENTER-TBI study. Giuseppe Citerio -
#485 Trajectories of early secondary insults and neurological outcome in traumatic brain injury patients: a CENTER-TBI study Giuseppe Citerio WP06
#472 Trajectories of outcome over time – classification and characteristics Lindsay Wilson -
#368 Translation and linguistic validation of outcome instruments for traumatic brain injury research and clinical practice: a step-by-step approach within the observational study CENTER-TBI Marina Zeldovich WP10
#176 Trends in prevalence rates of post-concussion symptoms in mild traumatic brain injury patients: complicated vs. uncomplicated. Daphne Voormolen WP10
#329 Ultra-early versus early magnetic resonance imaging for mild traumatic brain injury: a CENTER-TBI study Sophie Newcombe WP08
#272 Understanding the relationship between cognitive performance and function in daily life after traumatic brain injury Lindsay Wilson WP08, WP10
#352 Unmet rehabilitation needs after traumatic brain injury across Europe: Results from the CENTER-TBI study Nada & Cecilie Andelic & Røe WP14
#323 Unsupervised Anomaly Detection in Brain CT Scans Diana M. Sima -
#335 Updated version: Outcome Prediction after Moderate and Severe Traumatic Brain Injury: Multi-Cohort Updating of the IMPACT Prognostic Models in an Individual Patient Data – analysis Isabel Retel Helmrich WP12
#39 Use and performance of CT decision rules for minor head injury in Europe: a CENTER-TBI study Kelly Foks WP12
#454 Use of Support Vector Machines for classification and prediction in mild traumatic brain injury using diffusion tensor imaging: a CENTER-TBI study Maíra Siqueira Pinto WP04, WP08, WP15
#333 Using Data-driven Approaches to Improve the Classification of Traumatic Brain Injury Michael Cusimano -
#51 Validating the Spanish Version of the Posttraumatic Stress Disorder Checklist (PCL-5) for Patients after a Traumatic Brain Injury Haghish Ebad Fardzadeh WP10
#252 Validation and Norm Values of the Quality of life after traumatic brain injury Overall Scores (QOLIBRI-OS) for Healthy Populations in Italy, The Netherlands, and The United Kingdom Yi-Jhen Wu WP10
#11 Validation of Imaging CDE’s for TBI Thijs Vande Vyvere WP04
#265 Validation of a Clinical Decision Rule for the Early Safe Discharge of Patients with Mild Traumatic Brain Injury and Findings on Computed Tomography Brain Scan Carl Marincowitz -
#209 Validation of the Dutch version of the Posttraumatic stress disorder checklist for DSM-5 (PCL-5) after traumatic brain injury in a civilian population Dominique Van Praag WP10
#113 Validation of the quality indicator set for patients with Traumatic Brain Injury at Intensive Care Units in Europe Jilske (Antonia) Huijben WP13
#41 Validation, Evaluation and Recalibration oft he Stockholm CT Score David Nelson -
#406 Vibrational spectroscopy for the triage of traumatic brain injury CT priority and hospital admissions Ashton Theakstone -
#576 Visualizations of autoregulatory insults in TBI in the CENTER-TBI cohort Teodor Svedung Wettervik -
#48 Volume-outcome relationship in TBI patients Charlie Sewalt WP13
#301 Volumetric quantification of TBI lesions on CT: comparison between ABC/2 method, manual and automated segmentation Dana Pisica WP08
#121 Weighted Intra-cranial Pressure, Individual Intra-cranial Pressure and Parent Signal Entropy in TBI: A Validation Project Frederick Zeiler WP06
#564 icobrain Jan Verheyden WP04
#477 imaging for functional outcome after mild traumatic brain injury: an observational cohort study with external validation Daniel Whitehouse WP08
#444 predictive model for tracheoctomy in patients with TBI: a CENTER-TBI study Yanfei Shen -
#459 “Predictive power of serum biomarkers in traumatic brain injury patients with conflicting clinical and imaging assessments of severity” Sophie Newcombe WP04
#343 “The optimal timing of cranioplasty following decompressive craniectomy in TBI” Rick Vreeburg -