The researcher(s) must agree to the following Terms and Conditions with regard to access and use of CENTER-TBI data.
- Use the data only for the purposes described in this request.
- Keep all the research information shared with confidential by not discussing or sharing the research information in any form or format with anyone other than the CenterTBI researcher(s).
- Follow the most recent CenterTBI publication and authorship guideline, approved by the General Assembly, in any stage of the project (from data access till publication and dissemination).
- Meet the requirements of the institution's Ethical Review Board or corresponding committee.
- Keep all research information in any form or format (e.g., HD, computers) secure and accessible only by research team members.
- Share scripts for data management and statistical analysis among CenterTBI researchers.
- Acknowledge CenterTBI collaboration and funding in all research product as: "The research leading to these results was supported by the European Union's Seventh Framework Programme (FP7/2007-2013) under grant agreement n° 602150 (CENTER-TBI)."